Category: Earning money

  • Lawn care company offers Bikini Service

    A three months-old lawn care company from Memphis, Tenn. is rapidly gaining popularity thanks to its special Tiger Time Bikini Lawn Care service which will send some scantily-clad young girls your way to cut your lawn. Lee Cathey, owner of Tiger Time Lawn Care, says some customers just sit in their lawn chairs with a beer while watching…

  • VibrantMedia IntelliTXT ads added on DV Hardware

    To increase the revenue of DV Hardware I’m trying a couple of new services, this month I’m going to give Vibrant Media a go. I’ve been considering to use their ads for a couple of weeks now but hold off on it a bit because I feared these ads might have a negative effect on…

  • Traditional tech media bleeding, blogs take over the market

    A story over at Forbes caught my eye today. It talks that while Silicon Valley is booming again, the tech media is bleeding. The article states that the advertising revenue of popular magazines and sites like Business 2.0, PC Magazine and CNET is dropping enormously. Compared to a year ago PC Magazine’s ad sales in…

  • How much top bloggers make a month

    BusinessWeek published an article this week about top money making bloggers. Here’s a quick overview of the sites and their estimated income. Some sites provided the income figures to BusinessWeek while other sites didn’t so the reporter had to guesstimate the earnings himself, therefore I have some doubts on how accurate this list is: BoingBoing:…

  • Dot Com Mogul Checklist for June

    Even though we’re already two weeks into July I’m going to do the famous Dot Com Mogul checklist which was started by John Chow last year. Heres the list: – Your income is made from the Internet. Check. In fact this is my first job, I’ve never done any other work. – The minimum Internet…