First update in nearly 2.5 years…
I guess it’s safe to say my blog is pretty much dead now since I haven’t updated it in almost 2.5 years. So what changed since then? Not much on the business front, and probably the most notable change in my personal life is that I’ve moved into a new house. At present I’m trying…
Plans for the near future
Busy days are ahead as I’ve got a lot of plans in my mind to get my business back up. Starting with DV Hardware you can expect a lot of reviews and I’m in the process of creating a Dutch version of DV Hardware, this new site will mainly be used for Dutch versions of…
Almost 13 percent of visitors blocking ads
Google recently enabled everyone to integrate AdSense into Google Analytics. This gives you a wealth of information and today when I was thinking about my business I wondered how many people that visit my sites are blocking ads. I checked Google Analytics to compare the number of pageviews I received in January 2009 with the AdSense…
January income down 28 percent
At the start of each month I gather all the available statistics I have from the previous month in an Excel file to get a rough view of how well or bad my business is going. As the global economy slows down, online advertising is going down as well and it has hit me pretty…
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a good time during the first couple of days of 2009. The year 2008 has come to an end and unfortunately it wasn’t really a good year for me business wise. I was too lazy to finish most of the goals I set for this year, 2008…