Busy days are ahead as I’ve got a lot of plans in my mind to get my business back up.
Starting with DV Hardware you can expect a lot of reviews and I’m in the process of creating a Dutch version of DV Hardware, this new site will mainly be used for Dutch versions of DV Hardware’s reviews and occassionally some news that focusses on the Dutch and Flemish market.
I’m using the Dutch version to experiment a bit with new layouts as DV Hardware is in desperate need of a more modern look. Additionally I also need a couple of reviewers so I can scale up the number of reviews posted at DV Hardware, but I’m putting this off a bit as it’s not easy to find honest people who meet my expectations, especially because I can’t offer a monetary form of compensation. New reviewers should be able to properly test products, take decent photographs and be capable of turning their thoughts into a decent article that highlights all the good and bad parts of the product.
Getting some new private sponsors for DV Hardware is another major goal and I’m also going to try to get some completely new revenue streams to get my business back on track. I’ve got my eye on a couple of affiliate marketing opportunities that could become a major pillar of my company, it’s still early but I’m optimistic about the potential.