Free stuff – a good way to promote your company

One of the easy ways to promote your company is by giving away something for free. This technique is commonly used by all sorts of companies and people absolutely like this marketing technique.

At trade shows you usually get overwhelmed by lots of free stuff such as pens, stickers, candy and other cheap products which carry the company’s logo. Another approach that is commonly used by firms is to give away samples or free trials of their new products. Firms in the food and beverage industry do this a lot to promote new products and lots of software companies distribute shareware or trial versions of their software so users can try out the product without having to purchase it first.

On the Internet you can hold giveaways to promote your site, the bigger the better. A giveaway of a new iPod should normally create a lot more buzz than a giveaway of a couple of new ebooks. When word gets out your giving away something everyone wants you can expect a lot of new readers and perhaps even a nice amount of new links to your website too.

Since I found my company DM Media Group about a year ago all sorts of companies have send me junk mail. Not a weeks passes without mail from companies that try to sell me things like office supplies or PCs and notebooks (yeah I’m talking about Dell).

Mostly I just take a quick glimpse at about half of the mail and some stuff I just throw away without opening it first. But today I received a pretty nice mail from a firm called National Pen – they sell all sorts of customized products and instead of just sending a sales letter they also included a sample of one of their customized pen:


I don’t really like the design of the pen but it’s a cool gift, nevertheless . I had a quick look at their site and they do have some nicer designs available but unfortunately for this company I’m not really in the market for customized pens.


4 responses to “Free stuff – a good way to promote your company”

  1. I keep trying that routine at strip clubs. I tell the girls that I can help them create a lot more buzz, and generate them more revenue, if they were to give me a free example of their service 😉

  2. OMG Leo that’s funny…

    Thomas that is cool, a free pen. I started my comapany one and a half years ago but I have not received a free pen yet. I want one:(

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