Spider Pig Ringtone from The Simpsons Movie

The Amazing Spider PigLook out, here comes the Spider Pig!

In an attempt to drive some more traffic to this blog I created a SpiderPig ringtone!

Spiderpig, Spiderpig
Does whatever a spiderpig does
Can he swing from a web
No he can’t he’s a pig
Look out, here is the Spider Pig.

This little tune from The Simpsons Movie is extremely popular over at YouTube and I thought it would be cool  to put a free Spiderpig ringtone online so that people can transfer it to their cell phone.

Anyone who wants it can download the Spider Pig ringtone over here.

There are several ways to get it on your cell phone:

– You can download it to your PC and send it to your phone through a USB or data cable

– Go online with your phone and download the ringtone from this website

Note: Not all phones support MP3 ringtones.


11 responses to “Spider Pig Ringtone from The Simpsons Movie”

  1. Je converteert hem naar aac in iTunes en sleept hem op je bureaublad, dan verwijder je hem uit je iTunes libary ( gewoon backspace en ok)
    eens hij daar weg is verander je de .m4a in .m4r en klik je hem gewoon open. Nu staat hij normaal bij je ringtones in itunes.
    maar je kan ook gewoon even wachten dan post ik hem op het forum in .m4r

    Wannes (Kermi van t forum)

  2. aww it’s so good! but when I downloaded it onto my phone, it just went onto audio/ringtunes, but wont let me select is AS my ringtone :(:(

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